Sunday, April 5, 2009

Uber Mom

Okay so as a new mom I have to admit, I envisioned myself as the gal who could do it all. Food would all be made from scratch, my child clean and dressed in coordinated baby clothes all the time, I'd never miss a beat on my yoga classes, pedicures or skin care. I had it all set. (don't we all start out with that dreamy vision?)
I'm coming to grips with the fact that things are a little different than originally anticipated...

Yesterday: Changing Tristan is a bit like wrangling a greased calf. It takes some bicep strength, speed and use all of the skills I have acquired in yoga over the years; flexibility, deep breathing and setting an intention before I start the task. That being said, when he took off mid-change yesterday, totally naked I didn't think much about it. Cute. He's cute naked. After laughing and informing Greg that he should get a glimpse of him while naked on his riding toy, I guess I missed something. The next thing I saw was Tristan enthusiastically dipping into the storage under the seat of his riding toy and tasting (followed by an mmmmmm!) whatever it was that had collected in the bottom. It took minute to realize that the carpet had wet spots and the seat was covered in puddles when it hit me that the storage under the seat was full of urine and Tristan was getting the full flavor profile right in front of me....

Today: Refreshed after a great night of sleep, a yoga class and a shower (not to go so far as to wash my hair of course - that is only every 2nd or 3rd day), I was feeling pretty on top of it when we headed to Nordstrom for a return. I had also grocery shopped, made a great loaf of bread and dinner was ready when we got home. Life was good. Upon returning from the mall, I suddenly felt a lump on the back side of my thigh. I was wearing one of the 2009 standard issue new-mom uniforms; tight trendy jeans and a hoodie. They were tight enough that this lump was quite obvious (why my husband didn't notice or tell me I don't want to go into here). After digging into the back of my jeans what do I find but a pair of underwear that although clean, didn't make it into the drawer with it's fellow mates...

Weekend almost being over I'm having a glass of wine and hoping my work this week is a bit more orderly...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

If Only We Could Bottle This!

Oh the energy levels. Tristans levels, and that of which is required to keep up with him. It seems to be a pattern, that when we spend any period of time in a public place, strangers (or awe filled observers) ask us if he literally "falls to sleep each night". This kid is 0 to 60 and back again. Luckily he is a total crack-up and brings such fun and smiles to our days that we are excited to start again each morning. 6am.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Life inside and out

We have fully surrendered our home to our little guy, and we love it. We sold our kitchen dining table, and replaced it with something Tristan and his friends will hopefully enjoy for years to come. Seeing Tristan sit at this table and eat his little snacks, or play with his cousins is one more step towards our little peanut shedding his "babyness", and becoming a toddler.

Alternating between the table and the highchair seems to keep Tristan a bit more interested in his food, though most of the time he still seems too busy to actually sit for a meal. He seems to be growing and developing beautifully, though I'm wondering if things will change as he seems to be existing on cheese and fruit these days. Greg and I went to brunch with some friends last week and combined Greg and I made six trips back to the buffet to get fresh blueberries. Tristan must have eaten at least 150. We couldn't put them in front of him fast enough.

In the outdoors, spring has sprung, and we have been spending a great deal of time cleaning up the yard. It's something we complained about it years past, but it seems easier this time around. We used to resent having to stay home to do the yardwork; nap time changes all of that. We're home already and loving the fresh air and activity. Once Tristan wakes from his naps he loves exploring. The toughest part of it now is keeping the hawthorn berries out of his mouth. Luckily they aren't toxic, but I'm not crazy about him keeping his mouth occupied with choking hazards. The kid has an amazing oral obsession!

We are looking forward to many sunny days to come with our growing, changing little toddler.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

On The Upswing Of The Figure 8

Okay it's March 7 and I personally have had only one healthy week since January 2nd. But between the three of us in the last six months we have had two stomach flu's, one ulcer, one bout of food poisoning, three (or is it four) sinus infections, an emergency room visit for an allergic reaction to a medication, at least six colds and now influenza type a. Haven't had a clear head for some time - I don't quite know what it will feel like to be healthy! But all we can do is assume that we are at the bottom of the figure 8 and we are inevitably on OUR WAY UP!

I know I just went through the litany of ailments, but the amazing part is that through it all, there is never a shortage of smiles. Tristan not only keeps us smiling through our own ailments with his adventurous spirit, sweet hugs and love of play and wrestling, but he smiles when he isn't feeling well. He simply wants to have fun and enjoy life. It gives us such perspective as to what is really important in life, and in the scope of things we have it all - a happy, healthy (relatively) family unit. There is so little worth getting upset about and so important to keep the attitude and spirits up.

Tristan says it best below as he feels the groove and just lives in the moment!

Friday, February 20, 2009

We're Back!

Well six months later and I think it's time I get back to some blogging. Just some simple, consistent blogs to help me remember those special little moments and milestones.

Like how right now Tristan walks around like a speed skater with his hands behind his back, or the little Asian man. Its so funny for such an active little man to calmly hold his hands at his backside and wander through the house as if he is making a conscious effort not to touch anything.

Or like how he makes his WOW face - perfect O lips, big round blue eyes and the "WHOA!" whenever he discovers a new toy, hears a new sound or sees a sight he hasn't yet discovered.

Or there is the dancing. This little white boy has a beat and he likes to use it on every occasion possible. He seems to really like upbeat pop, rock music, the sound of every baby toy around and of course mom's great singing! Okay not the latter but he does dance to the rest.

My favorite is that Tristan has started to cuddle up. He loves bringing a book to mom or dad and crawling up on our laps. He loves being carried around so he can see everything at our view. He is wrapping his arms around my neck and putting his head on my shoulder when he has hurt himself. Sometimes he sits on our laps and enjoys spending time just sitting (for a short but cherished time).

Tristan has become a mimic, his vocabulary is growing every day and his gestures are so fun. If we have told him "no" for some reason, he will often try to pass it off on poor Ticker the dog. He walks over and points his finger at him while giving him a stern "NO!" then pats him on the head.

We seem to be on our feet or in motion from the moment we wake until the moment we fall into bed, but the entire day is always filled with more smiles than we knew possible. This blue eyed beauty fills our lives and hearts. That's it for now, I updated the blog, captured a few precious moments and hopefully began a new habit.