We have fully surrendered our home to our little guy, and we love it. We sold our kitchen dining table, and replaced it with something Tristan and his friends will hopefully enjoy for years to come. Seeing Tristan sit at this table and eat his little snacks, or play with his cousins is one more step towards our little peanut shedding his "babyness", and becoming a toddler.
Alternating between the table and the highchair seems to keep Tristan a bit more interested in his food, though most of the time he still seems too busy to actually sit for a meal. He seems to be growing and developing beautifully, though I'm wondering if things will change as he seems to be existing on cheese and fruit these days. Greg and I went to brunch with some friends last week and combined Greg and I made six trips back to the buffet to get fresh blueberries. Tristan must have eaten at least 150. We couldn't put them in front of him fast enough.In the outdoors, spring has sprung, and we have been spending a great deal of time cleaning up the yard. It's something we complained about it years past, but it seems easier this time around. We used to resent having to stay home to do the yardwork; nap time changes all of that. We're home already and loving the fresh air and activity. Once Tristan wakes from his naps he loves exploring. The toughest part of it now is keeping the hawthorn berries out of his mouth. Luckily they aren't toxic, but I'm not crazy about him keeping his mouth occupied with choking hazards. The kid has an amazing oral obsession!
We are looking forward to many sunny days to come with our growing, changing little toddler.